Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Mixed Feelings

So many things have happened in just a week...

Getting angry with my students, getting disappointed with them, resigning my post, watching BB Sunday as a spectator for the first time, Mrs Simon Chan coming, friends' outing... Ah, they all seem to weave an incredible web of emotions... I feel like I can't let go of today, yet yearn to see tomorrow...

Friday (26 June) was the first time I cried as a teacher... Owh, don't be fooled by my stern looks outside, I'm very very fragile on the inside haha... a bit sissy you may say (but at least not as bad as my substitute LOL). My students disappointed me, and the mere thought of leaving them was heart-rendering... What would become of them (or rather, their Sejarah) when I leave them? Not intending to sound arrogant and taking all the credit for my own, but I do worry about their academics once I stop teaching. Their recent accomplishments were mostly due to my constant forcing, pushing and... CANING. What would happen when this motivational force is removed? It is only my hope that they would continue to excel, not only in the subject I once taught them, but also in every subject that they take.

Then there was the incident whereby 4S7 just had to go for some "NILAM" thingy during my period... when their recent topical test SUCKS LIKE HELL... cmon lar, I just took the questions from the May semester paper and even told them that the questions will be from the paper... and they did worse than the exams... hell lotta encouragement for me. Probably I'm not a good teacher, but at least show some effort to study, can't you? Anyway, I hope you all will be happy with your new teacher (which I, personally speaking, am not)

Saturday came earlier than expected... After signing the "surat penyerahan tugas" I duly packed my things and left my table... My last period in 4S1 was better than previous days, though most were yet to know (or probably, believe) that that day was my last day teaching them History... I had yet to reveal the exact date of my resignation, and most lived in bliss as though I were invisible. I do thank a group of students for giving me a farewell gift and card. It is an invaluable treasure that I would keep forever... And I will hold you all to your promises =) Good luck, Jordan Tan, Ling Wei Huong, Kallen Yek, Wong Lin Han, Lee Mei Yee and Poh Wee Hau!

4S7 was ignorant towards anything that was happening, and I made sure my emotions were concealed... The last lesson passed as though nothing happened, and I left with no regrets... 悄悄的我走了,正如我悄悄的来。我挥一挥衣袖,不带走一片云彩。

To anyone who is in school, help me keep an eye for my students, reminding them to work hard for their own future.

As for BB Sunday, it is beyond words for description... the standard, the commitment and the discipline. They can't be compared to the former 1st Bintulu Company I once proudly joined. I only hope Lord, Bless the Boys' Brigade...

And now, with my heart filled with an assortment of sentiments, I end my pen.


  1. mmmm.... so it's true i heard that u.....
    nvm lah cheer up~ the students can take care of themselves.. they're not 4-year-old children or what..

  2. they act like they are... -.- so dependent and haiz...

  3. lolz not suprised tat you cried, hey dun forget us CCs ooo! and don't 悄悄的走 ah!!!

  4. mark you cried? OH MY!!! unbelievable ==
    anyway GAMBATE!! God gives you strength ^^

  5. Lol. this post has an air of depression.
