Friday, June 19, 2009

Blood Donation

Wow, long time no post... you can guess how busy I am XD

Still undecided about my future education, though circumstances have shown me that it probably will be NUS... I just got my campus today, Kent Ridge... is it good?

Anyway, had a totally hectic week in school especially regarding marks -.- I will skip the details =)

After a tiring 5 days at work, I finally had a breather today and was thinking of completing my Buku Rekod, when Puan Hajijah came finding blood donors... well, since I was old enough, I went =P

My stats:

First blood donation
Blood type: B+
Weight: 55
Haemoglobin count 14.9 (don't know the unit)
Sys/Dia (mm Hg) = 118/68 (I hope I'm healthy, I remember 110/70 being the norm)
Pulse rate = 71 (increased... probably due to my lack of exercise... used to be 65)

The whole process took around 30 minutes... (Madam Kong told me it will take about 5-10 -.-) so my plans were a bit disrupted... but nevertheless, a good experience =)

1 pint for a vampire
2 eggs for a donor
3 stickers to be used
4 your blood color
5 things they checked
6 periods of 300 seconds in all
7 days before your result
I hope I'm healthy overall!


  1. lol mayb need more time to suck the blood outta you XD

  2. kent ridge any to do with nuh kent ridge wing 2?
